Cyber scams have become a popular issue for many individuals in recent years. Due to the high use of the internet, cyber scams and cyber fraud have disrupted bank accounts, sent viruses, and stolen personal information. Examples of cyber scams include: cyber fraud, cyber identity theft, fake fundraisers, and computer viruses. Most cyber scams are sent through an e-mail account wherein individuals will open the e-mail to either find a virus has been put into their computer or to read misleading information.
Computer crimes are becoming popular and are hard to stop because of the growth rate of technology. If an individual is a victim of cyber scams, it is important to contact the police department immediately to report the incident.
Important things to keep in mind while using the internet to avoid cyber crimes include: never entering personal information or credit card information on unsecure websites, never reply to or click on any links that you are not affiliated with, and never respond to an e-mail or advertisement saying you have won something.