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What are Hackers

What are Hackers

Computers play a vital role in today’s society, as human beings have come to depend upon computers for the most basic activities, such as communication. Computers often contain invaluable and confidential information about the individual, company, or Government agency that owns them. As a result, computer security is essential, especially when considering agencies such as the CIA, FBI, and the Department of Defense. If anyone were able to access the information contained within these computer systems, it could be devastating to national security.
Computer hackers are individuals who are able to break into or access computers and networks. The ability of a hacker will determine the type of computer system that he/she can access. For example, only the best hackers can gain access to secure Government systems. Most hackers focus on personal computers.  
The motivation of a hacker will vary significantly from one individual to another. Some individuals will hack into computers to gain confidential information, while others will do it for personal profit, and some will simply do it for the challenge. There are many different types of computer hackers and there are many different methods used to effectively hack a computer.
A hacker may create programs to hack systems or they may attempt to hack computer passwords. He/she may seek to erase data, destroy computer systems, or steal personal information. Unless employed by a corporation to test its computer system and conducted within legal boundaries, computer hacking is illegal. It is frequently punished with extensive fines and jail sentences.

Program Hacker Role

Program Hacker Role

A computer hacker will often depend upon programs to hack computers and networks. Hacker programs are designed to infiltrate computer systems in order to create complications within the system or to gain access to information contained within the system.
A program hacker can use a variety of different methods to achieve whatever his/her desired goal may be. For example, a computer virus is a type of program that is designed to enter into a computer system and cause serious complications in the system. These hacker programs duplicate within the computer and cause the computer to crash or erase all of the information existing on a computer’s hard drive.
There a number of methods through which a hacker can introduce a virus into a computer. For example, he/she may infiltrate a system and plant a virus. However, more often a hacker will develop a virus and distribute the program in website downloads, instant messages, and e-mails. When the distribution source is opened, the virus will enter into a computer system.
Other types of hacker programs are created in order to provide a computer hacker with access to information in a computer. These programs work by locating unprotected pathways that allow access to network systems. This is known as gaining backdoor access to a computer or a network. 
Computers, especially personal computers, often maintain limited security which allows hackers to locate pathways that permit access to a system. A hacker may also use a Trojan horse to obtain backdoor access by infecting a network, system, or computer.

All You Need to Know About Password Hacker

All You Need to Know About Password Hacker

Many computer hackers rely on hacker programs to successfully achieve their goals. Programs are commonly used to infiltrate systems, destroy computers, and log keystrokes in order to obtain personal information about an individual. However, some hackers do not use hacker programs, and instead, they hack computers by using knowledge to discover passwords.
Passwords are used to prohibit strangers and unwanted individuals from gaining access to computer systems. A personal computer can store vital information about its owner, including his/her schedule, social security number, bank account number, credit card information, and billing address. If a computer hacker obtains this personal information, he/she has all of the information necessary to steal the victim’s identity. Malicious hackers could exploit this information easily, causing serious complications for his/her victim. 
A password hacker uses common knowledge of an individual to make educated guesses regarding his/her passwords. However, using educated guesses may take an extended period of time, as there a millions of password possibilities, even if a hacker does know some detailed information about a victim. A password hacker may use algorithms, which generate number, letter, and symbol combinations.
Trial and error may be a common method frequently employed by an e-mail password hacker. Using this method, the hacker will continue trying possible passwords until he/she gains access to the desired computer or e-mail account. Though many passwords hackers do not use hacker programs, there are programs available to assist in this endeavor. For example, a dictionary attack uses programs that generate popular words and inserts them into password fields until access is granted. 

Your Guide to the Famous Hackers

Your Guide to the Famous Hackers

There are many famous hackers who have become infamous for their ability to gain access to high security, hacker-safe computer systems. It is important to note that computer hackers are segmented into two different groups. Black hat hackers use their skills to exploit systems and obtain classified information. White hat hackers, on the other hand, use their abilities for good causes while upholding the law and often apply their knowledge to improve computer technology.
One of the most famous black hat hackers is Jonathan James, who gained access to Government computer systems, including the Department of Defense system and the NASA computers. James illegally acquired over $1.5 million worth of computer software, obtained employee account information, and diminished national security. Adrian Lamo, another black hat hacker, gained access to a variety of computer systems, including those of the New York Times, Microsoft, Citigroup, and Bank of America. 
Additional famous hackers who exploited systems including Kevin Mitnick and Robert Morris. In addition to these black hat hackers, there are a number of famous white hat hackers. These individuals were often employed by companies to identify and correct system security issues. Stephen Wozinak was a white hat hacker, and subsequently was the co-founder of Apple. 
Tim Berner-Lee dabbled in computer hacking while he was in college, and as a result, he was banned from utilizing university computers. However, his skills later allowed him to create the World Wide Web. Linus Torvalds created the popular operating system Linux. Instead of exploiting computer systems, these hackers used their knowledge and abilities to advance technology.

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