Home Cyber Bullying Why Does the Sharing of Cyber Bullying Stories Help?

Why Does the Sharing of Cyber Bullying Stories Help?

Why Does the Sharing of Cyber Bullying Stories Help?

What are Cyber-Bullying Stories?

Cyber-Bullying Stories are recounts of experiences which individuals who have been the victims of Cyber-Bullying may choose to express in order to report the details and circumstances of their respective victimization from abuse and harassment taking place within a virtual setting. The reporting of Cyber-Bullying Stories may take place for a variety of purposes, including the desire to provide a support and assistance for other individuals who have been, or are currently, victims of Cyber-Bullying.
Why Does the Sharing of Cyber-Bullying Stories Help?

Although the implicit nature latent within the vast expanse of Cyber-Bullying Stories varies in nature, severity, and the victims involved, their expression has provided, and continues to provide, support and informational resources with regard to both the proliferation of awareness and preventative measures available in dealing with Cyber-Bullying.
The following facts about Cyber-Bullying illustrate why the exchange of this information is considered to be so valuable:
The primary ages of the victims of Cyber-Bullying are considered to be in the midst of the developmental stage. As a result, the effects of Cyber-Bullying are considered to pose great threats to the emotional well-being of its victims. The exchange and proliferation of Cyber-Bullying Stories may provide both emotional support, as well as informational support to children victimized by Cyber-Bullying.
Cyber-Bullying Stories may be shared within a vast array of forums or settings, which can include lectures, workshops, focus groups, literature, and seminars, all of which may allow for the abuse suffered by victims of Cyber-Bullying to proliferate the awareness of the potential damage latent within each circumstance of Cyber-Bullying.
Types of Cyber-Bullying Stories

Cyber-Bullying Stories may involve a variety of circumstances and events that span the scope of charges and offenses inherent within Cyber-Bullying. Due to the expansive nature of this crime, Cyber-Bullying Stories can range both in nature, as well as the implicit victimization.
Emotional and Psychological Cyber-Bullying Stories will typically include the verbal or emotional debasement of the victim involved, ranging from the issue of threats to the expression of emotional abuse. An example of a victim of this type of Cyber-Bullying is Megan Meir, who tragically took her own life on October 17th, 2006, after being verbally abused online.
Sexual Cyber-Bullying Stories may include victimization resulting from abuse and harassment with regard to personal information, which includes sexual orientation or sexual preference. An example of a victim of this type of Cyber-Bullying is Tyler Clementi, who tragically took his own life on September 22nd, 2010, after his roommate released a video of him, recorded illegally. In the ultimate violation of privacy, this video portrayed Clementi engaging in sexual activity with another male.

Reporting Cyber-Bullying Stories

Due to the ages of the victims, both the emotional and physical effects of Cyber-Bullying are considered as being amongst the most severe. For this reason, Cyber-Bullying Stories may serve as invaluable resources and assistance to other individual victims who are experiencing Cyber-Bullying. However, prior to the sharing of Cyber-Bullying Stories with support groups, victims of Cyber-Bullying are encouraged to report circumstances of which they have been a victim to the National Crime Prevention Council through their telephone number (202) 466-6272 in order to receive immediate help and support.